Unfortunately the lurgy? lurgie? (How the hell do you spell that? I think its a made up word so I can spell it any durn way I like it (Durn is also a made up word and is included in this weeks Blogword Bingo, even if it does smack of Calamity Jane and the Deadwood Stage...you know..."Whip Crack Away" and all that. Possibly a song about drug misuse by a lonely Dominatrix... or, then again, possibly not,)) I must apologise for getting over parenthetical here, but Im in the age bracket for it...bracket?...see what I did? I dont know whay I bother...half the time I end up boring myself.
Anyway, being a of the male, 'arrow up', persuasion, I have decided that I'm going to spell it 'flu'.
This virulent strain of Hoodoo Flu has, as they say in football circles, "devastated the squad". Having finally decided to record some stuff, we all turned up on Sunday Afternoon ready to go... ready to go home for a bit of a lie down. Apart from Freak, who was bouncing around like an annoyingly un-ill person, the rest of us shuffled around like depressed musical monks with bad chests. We did manage to get something down apart from beer, so thats a start. New songs are a-coming! Now where's my lemsip....
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